Sunday, June 17, 2012

Long time...

I blame a combination of a lot of factors: ADD, Asperger's, Schoolwork, and Life in general as the reasons why I haven't touched this in a while.

I started this to help guys on the run from that bastard, and I didn't do my part. I have never seen him in my life, but rediscovering this. I intend to amplify my efforts to assist in any way I can like I should have initially.

Is there anyone in California, specifically LA, who needs some help. I'll do what I can.

I've heard that the Messenger has gone over to Slendy fully now, calls himself an "Oracle".

I haven't said much, and I haven't done much, but it occurs to me that its embedded within pop culture that something major is set to happen on December 21, 2012.

Whatever its planning, or what its planning for what I believe is its master, is going to happen.

Outside that, anything I should know so I can help?

Monday, January 23, 2012

To protect the legacy of Ava and Reach.

As we heard just a few weeks ago, Avalesca passed away from a combination of child-birth complications and that faceless bastards. From what I've investigated, the hospital where she gave birth is about 30-40 miles away from where I live.

I've been in contact with Derek Shaughnessey (Reach's cousin). If anyone who's on the run is near my location, CONTACT ME ASAP and let's try and save their legacy.

It's time I finally do my part and help at least spit upon the face of this monster.

Watcher out.

Friday, December 30, 2011

A bit late...

I'm trying to catch up with the basics of how all the living Runners are doing (I've spoken a bit with Derek Shaughnessey), and I admittedly have been distracted by other stuff. (I apologize, I am in the wrong).

I just wanted to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy Holidays and, hopefully, a Happy New Year.

I will resume research shortly. Though I wouldn't mind if anyone could tell me anything major that has happened within the community recently.

The Watcher

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Just to be safe...

You know how I said that I have never encountered him? Well, as I've been thinking about it a little more, two things came to mind.
Now, I do believe there is such thing as consequences, but I'm posting this just to be on the safe side.

One time, I was doing some homework, and I thought I heard some soft, droning static in my ear. I wasn't wearing any headphones at the time, and I only heard the sound in my right ear. Eventually, it went away.

The second time, seems purely coincidental (or I hope it is). I went to a movie a few days ago, and I saw a display case with a mannequin in it that looked oddly similar to him. At one point, after staring for it a few seconds, I thought I saw it move its head slightly.

I didn't think much of these afterwards, and hopefully, they'll just be consequences.

The Watcher

Sunday, November 27, 2011

First Theory

Note, I have not done all of my research as of this moment, nor even red everyone's blogs, but I'm giving some of my theories nonetheless.

On November 1, Zeke Strahm posted the following that supposedly answered how Slendy came to be in the first place:

This would seem like a major revelation and the answer to how this thing came to be... except for one glaring error: Reach (aka Raymond Shaughnessey)

Reach claimed to be his slave for forty years. If that's the case, then how was Slender Man restrained by the cult Mary talked about in the first place?

My answer: He never was restrained. Odds are that, in order to sew confusion into the ranks of the Runners, it either planted false memories in Mary's mind, or was merely going along with the cult's activities for its own amusement.

Long story short: Mary's probably got nothing to do with Slender Man's rise in power. I will address another origin theory in a future post.

Initial thoughts

No indication that he knows about me. Pretty certain essays occupying my time prevent me from seeking info as actively.

I have made it my mission not only to create a support group for those hunted by him, but also to try to find his origins and/or master.

Currently I have some minor theories that I'll need to keep checking references for, but I think there are some feasible connections.
Looking out for you,
     The Watcher

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Stupid Mistake...

I only now remember that there is an Observer working for him, so I am hereby changing my designation to The Watcher.