Wednesday, November 16, 2011

As A Bystander

First, let me point out that I have never been graced by His company, and hopefully never will be. I have never lived close to woods, I have never seen him, and my nightmares pretty much related to horror monsters from movies and video games.

Despite this, I have been observing those who've been haunted by the Slender Man for some time. Through TV Tropes, YouTube, the various blogs.

So I have decided to help fight the good fight, by forming what could essentially be a support group for those hunted by Him. To those of you doing your best out there guys, know this... we're rooting for you and pray that you finally bring an end to Him.

I'll make an occasional query into the investigations myself, try to help every once in a while, but otherwise, I'll just do my best to give an update on what's going on with all those affected by him.

May this be the first of ma =ny posts,
      The Watcher

1 comment:

  1. Careful kid. What you intend as a support group could easily become a hunting ground.
